Multiple Intelligence Test

Multiple Intelligence Test

Howard   Gardner  in  his  book  Frames  of  Mind,  proposedthe  Theory  of Multiple Intelligence Test, Gardner’s theory is still widely accepted which focuses on sensory aspects of intelligence. He distinguished between different aspects of intelligence but at the same time opposed the idea that a person be labelled with a certain type of intelligence. All of us have a distinctive combination of different aspects of  intelligence unique ti us.So the theory should be used to strengthen our skills   rather than to be tagged with a particular type of intelligence.

Multiple Intelligence Assessment Test:

Types of Intelligence:

  1. Naturalist Intelligence (“Nature Smart”)

It’s the ability to understand nature, like plants, animals, sea. Some of us can just innately connect to natural elements and for those who do professions like farmers, botanist, biologists, zoologists and astronomers, etc. could very well be suited.

  1. Musical Intelligence

It’s the ability to understand, appreciate, compose and enjoy music. People high on this ability will often show sensitivity to auditory stimulus and will also be quite accomplished in understanding pitch, rhythm and tones of sounds and music. They will also demonstrate a strong connection towards music and feelings.

  1. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Number/Reasoning Smart)

It’s the ability to think theoretically and abstractly. Logical reasoning, sequential reasoning, symbolic thinking, calculations, quantification’s, and an understanding of propositions and hypothesis are some of the skills which will be high in this type of intelligence. Some of the popular career options would be mathematicians, statisticians, bankers, trouble shooting, computers, scientists and researchers.

  1. Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart”)

People high on this intelligence will be very good in all forms of communication. Understanding and connecting with other people comes naturally to them. They will often be able to pick other people’s moods and temperaments easily. They also possess leadership qualities because of their ability to connect with others. Popular career choices would include HR professionals, advertisement, psychologists, teachers, mentors and coaches, politicians, etc.

5. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (“Body Smart”)

These people will exhibit impressive manual dexterity and mind – body coordination. They can convert thoughts and feelings into physical action like dancing. Popular career choices include dancers, surgeons, chefs, athletes, drivers, gardeners, acupuncturists.

6. Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart)

These people will demonstrate excellent linguistic skills, an understanding and expression of words and their complexities. They are good at interpretation and explanation of ideas via words. Popular career choices are journalists, public speakers, authors, writers, lawyers, poets, etc.

7. Intra-personal Intelligence (Self Smart”)

In most simple terms this ability is your EQ. It demonstrates an understanding of one’s own self, attitudes, feelings and perceptions. It also involves understanding of how your feelings affect others, an ability to correlate your feelings and thoughts with others. These people will be self motivated and will take initiative on their own. Careers would include philosophers, life coach, spiritual leaders, psychologists and counselors.

8. Spatial Intelligence (“Picture Smart”)

It’s your ability to perceive 3-dimensional images. These people will demonstrate a good understanding of images, spaces, spatial reasoning, graphics and may even show artistic skills. Popular career choices include architects, painters, artists, pilots, designers, animators, sculptors, etc.